
Office Look ~ Turban and Leopard Print

I'm w earing ~ Sho es from Rag e ~ Pants and Jack et from M eltz ~ Earrings and Top from Mr Pric e ~ Turban is a thrift ed scarf ...

I'm wearing ~ Shoes from Rage ~ Pants and Jacket from Meltz ~ Earrings and Top from Mr Price ~ Turban is a thrifted scarf

Hello darlings, I've been undergoing an internship programme at a media company here in South Africa. Just thought I'ld show you what I've been wearing to work lately. By the way, those heels are super high but I love them all the same. Lucky for me I don't walk about rigorously when I'm at work so I can wear these gorgeous leopard print heels of mine to work. Stay fabulous. xo

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