I can hardly believe that the weeks has passed so fast.
Looking back I realised that I did quite a lot.
Whoever said money works a wise man did not lied
but what I do know that is also true is a wise man works for money.
Who said working was easy.....It definitely isn't
There are ups and down
There are shitty day (excuse my french but its the only was you might understand)
And there are some marvellous days.
The thought of just waking up early to go to work when
others are sleeping peaceful can be depressing enough
But at work you grow, you learn, you explore.
I remember not to long ago father would always come back
from work and he'll say he was tired.
It amazed me and i'ld call his bluff.
How could work be so terrible when I'v been in school all day.
I'ld compare his day to mine..I went to school
I had tests, I had assignments, I had practicals
I had lil lunch, I had a running stomach....perhaps even the sun was too hot that day for me but All i thought my day cudn't have been any worse than his.
I eat my words back. Working is far more tedious and crazy.
I'ld rather do school and get money for just going to school!!!!!!!!!!!!!
At school you have friends (hopefully your not an outsider)
You have fun, you sumtimes have teacher who care...basically you can be SOMEONE!!!
At work your a NOBODY. This is the climb to become someone in life
Despite that I can say that I did enjoy my time at ITWEB.
Which journ place in Jozi would take you on, pay you fully,
teach you real journalism (teach you how to cope with deadlines,
help you construct proper news stories, encourage you to come up
with your own stories,give you a byline in their publications...
.....teach you about ethics, show you what ethics is, allow you to communicate
and get information(being interactive journalist with their telephone),
take you to conferences that give out free technologies to the attendies
and eating scrumptious food as much as you like at those conferences and at
itweb giving you free proper mel'Kitchen food.....did i say free of charge..
no I dont think I did...for mahala..for free, pour libre haha (you get it now).
Oh and once (i ment twice)I rode with the editor is true style..what can beat that
Eish I forgot...free internet(no facebook thou..shames!!), free tea n coffee, good
central heating, friendly people and alot of free NAKO!!!!! OH and early home time!!!!plus you get to know the first had new technology coming to SA before anyone else and If I was lucky i'ld have gotten an iPAD like Alex...but oh well next time.
The only upset I had was the first week I got a backache
because I was not used to seating for a long time and on the first day
the work was harder than I expected but I soon adapted!!!!!!
The first week I was drilled immensely but it was for my benefit
although at the time I thot they were meanies. lmao....
One advice on work..make sure you love what you do
if not you'l always be frustrated and mite perhaps not succeed.
My appreciation goes to Patricia(you were so sweet), Liz(so adorable),
Vicky(you dint do much 4 me but i love ur lafs),Kirsten(strict one but u taugh me alot), James(first person to talk to me, Fran(made an effort to talk to me), Jacob (u tried), martin(people think ur a meanie but i think ur cool)
Otherwise..these were some good time and I made two good friends Phumeza n RANKA JOVANOVIC (FOR THE OPPORTUNITY TO WORK AT ITWEB N TEACHING ME THE ROPES THE FIRST DAY)
le Siphiwe........they adorable.Work done, now time for school..eh.
Next mission during the chrissy hols: Destiny where i'l learn about fashion
I always love fashion but before that Grocott's Mail awaits me during the september vac..then next year I hope itweb agen or wherever the wind blows me
That's all from me.......
This is Dilim Oranye reporting from itweb.
xoxo Dilim xoxo