Todays Wear ~ Outfits for the Weekend

Look 1 I'm wearing...? Shirt is gifted ~ Belt from Mr Price ~ Harlem pants from a boutique in Rivonia ~ Pumps is gifted ~...

Look 1 I'm wearing...? Shirt is gifted ~ Belt from Mr Price ~ Harlem pants from a boutique in Rivonia ~ Pumps is gifted ~ Earrings from Mr Price

Look 2 I'm wearing...? Shirt is gifted ~ Belt from Mr Price ~ Skirt is gifted ~ Pumps from Mr price ~ Earrings is gifted

This past weekend has been really eventful in and out. I thoroughly enjoyed every moment. Since I am about to go back to university, I might as well enjoy every moment of the holidays left.

Friday was the most busiest day of the weekend for me. I woke up bright and early to get some professional photography lessons from two pro. One of the earliest days I've woken up these holidays. I thoroughly enjoyed the experience because I got to go to two photo shooting session. One photo session was for a Kenyan businessman and the other was for an Angolan artist that was apparently about to blow up in Angola (I should have got his autograph lol). I like the fact that I really got hands on with helping with the props and the lighting for each photo shoot giving me the experience of what goes into shooting self portraits for other people. I would have liked to have had more contact with the camera because I still don't understand the technicalities of a dslr camera. After coming back home in the late afternoon, I went to play tennis because I realise that its still summer and would like a toned body. The best part of Friday was dinner with friends at News cafe. That just made my night!

Saturday was not as jam packed as Friday. It started of lazily because I woke up late (I usually wake up late though) and did some blogging. I even tried to enter my first giveaway competition that I've ever entered on one of my best bloggers Superficial girls but with no avail. I would  really like to win the 12 piece Sigma brush kit on the blog but I just couldn't comment on her post. Oh well, I guess that eliminates me from the competition but I will keep trying though! To end the day, my sister and I went for dinner at a friend's house. The chicken was done superbly and we even got to take some take away home (Yummy). We also watched the opening ceremony and first soccer game of CAF whilst we had dinner. In my opinion, the CAF opening ceremony was poorly done and not organised well. :-(

I can't say much happened on Sunday but I am really eager to get my DSLR camera very soon. I got a call from the girl who is helping me liaise with her brother in -law to get me a proper camera in Canada. The prices of DSLR in Canada are much cheaper there than in Africa.

Hope everyone had a fab weekend!!!!!!



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