
Todays Look ~ Lines and Shapes

I'm wearing....? Pussy bow blouse from Mr Price ~ Shorts from Foschini ~ Shoes from Mr Price ~ Bag from Mr Price ~ Earrings are DIY...

I'm wearing....? Pussy bow blouse from Mr Price ~ Shorts from Foschini ~ Shoes from Mr Price ~ Bag from Mr Price ~ Earrings are DIY

Whilst contemplating what to name this post I realised that I was wearing different shapes on my outfit ( I did not do this intentionally). Firstly, my earrings consisted of triangles and circles whilst I had knotted  my blouse in a bow shape. Furthermore, my cute shoes had little bows on them (which I absolutely adore by the way) and  I had painted little hearts on my finger nails. I guess I'm a package of shapes today.

Hope your day has been brilliant. xo

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  1. Nwa baby...lookin nxa :)

  2. absolutely love the look.beautiful.


  3. Thank you so much for your comments. xo
