
New Additions ~ Aztec quench and Happy Father's day!

I'd like to say a big big Happy Father's day to my dad and to all the Father's out there. My dad is truly the best. I know I...

I'd like to say a big big Happy Father's day to my dad and to all the Father's out there. My dad is truly the best. I know I don't speak enough of it but it doesn't mean he is not. Although, we might not have been the best of friends and have certainly had our ups and downs over the years, I admire him and respect him for all that he's done for his family; for his role as a provider, guardian and protector. He has always been supportive of his family and trust me this is no easy role coming from a big family such as ours and an even bigger extended family. He has always done his level best and I know that he will not think for a split second to not do and surpass his level best to see his family towards a better future. 

Although I don't say this enough times - I love you dad and I secretly know that some of those great qualities that make you my dad, I secretly look for (whether consciously or unconsciously) in my husband to be. So here's a round of applause, a hats off and a standing ovation to the best Father in the world (I am not just saying that just because his the only dad I've know *wink *wink)

Otherwise, this day (Father's day) is truly a momentous celebration of the milestone that all Fathers have accomplished as Fathers. I wish you all the best in the milestones you will accomplish further as Fathers.  To all the new Father's, to those who've even become Fathers today, be the best Goddamn (excuse my French) Father you can be.

"Your father gives you many things in a lifetime.....most of which you will not appreciate until way after he is gone." - Linda Poindexter

p.s. I posted in one of my lasts posts about the intenscraving I had for Aztec jewellery. So here are a couple of items I'd acquired and made (DIY) to quench my Aztec thirst. Enjoy. xo

Chunky flower necklace from Dragon City, other three necklaces are DIYs I made from the hands of different old handbags, Top from Mr Price.

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  1. I can never get tired of aztec prints, love that top!
