

1) On a plan e from Jozi to P E | 2) Foschini Lipstick Sal e | 3)  Nail Art I had for Sist er's  w edding | 4) With  Rhodes Universi...

1) On a plane from Jozi to PE | 2) Foschini Lipstick Sale | 3) Nail Art I had for Sister's wedding | 4) With Rhodes University's Mascot | 5) Pizza with avocado, Yum! | 6) Road trip to Joburg

As you might all know, I am currently in the midst of exams and haven't had the opportunity to take decent outfit pictures and probably won't for a while. So I decided once again to collect a few of my instagram photo moments that I couldn't resist showing you all and let you know what I'd been up to in the few months. Happy viewing everyone.
  Ta ta...

p.s. To find and connect with me on instagram - @dilimoranye or From head to heels.

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