
10 ways I will be celebrating my birthday in style

It is my birthday tomorrow (1 December) and I hope to celebrate in style. So I thought to share the ten ways I will be celebrating in...

It is my birthday tomorrow (1 December) and I hope to celebrate in style. So I thought to share the ten ways I will be celebrating in style and what I would like to get up to tomorrow. It is one day that comes around every once a year, so why put off what you've been wanting to do for so long and take the opportunity to do it on your special day. It's a day to celebrate YOU, so take the plunge and do something adventurous or outrageous. I think it's important to make the most of your birthday, in style if you have to. My plans are really quite simple, inexpensive and I really want to accomplish each item on my list.

1. Take a long nice bath- Since I will be home alone for the most part of the morning, it will be worth while to indulge in a nice long bubble bath in the morning and listen to some old school music. I recommend some Boyz to Men and Keith Sweat.

2. Eat what I want- Although finances are quite slim at this moment, I will not hold back on eating what I want. I think a good moist chocolate cake will do the trick which brings me to my third plan.

3. Bake a chocolate cake- I have not baked in a while and it will be a good treat for me to indulge in.

4. Go window shopping- It's suppose to be therapeutic but it'll give me the opportunity to see the new trends in shops. So Edgars and Mr Price here I come.

5. Wear something nice- It is essential to look good on your special day. If you look good you usually feel good. Maybe I'll raid mom's closet.

6. Buy a dress- Hopefully, if I see a nice dress within budget while window shopping I just have to purchase it!

7. Buy ice cream- There is usually an ice cream man who pops around the neighbourhood ringing his bicycle bell in the mid afternoon. I remember I used to buy ice cream from him when I was younger and especially at this time of the year. I am not sure if its still the same guy selling ice cream.

8. Watch some series/movies- I have been waiting to watch The Help. I hear it is such a good movie. I also want to watch some of my favourite series- Hart of Dixie and Switched at Birth.

9. Tell people it is my birthday- Why not? It only comes round once a year.
10. Take time to think about the things I am grateful for- I should reflect on the things that I am thankful for and the many opportunities I have received thus far.

[11. *Bonus point* Look at fashion blogs and blog about my day. ]

xoxo Dilim xoxo

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