D.I.M {Did It Myself} ~ Cardboard Jewelry

Omg!! Has any one ever painted a house? Let me enlighten you it's nothing short of easy.  My sister (Fi...

Omg!! Has any one ever painted a house? Let me enlighten you it's nothing short of easy.  My sister (Fifs), a good friend (Ed) and I have been doing just that for the last couple of days. Although he (Ed) did most of the painting I am still fatigue with the little bit I did. I stay at my sister's in Joburg during the holidays and we decided that the place needed a fresh coat of paint. At the moment the house is upside down and I don't even know what a bed feels like anymore. Right now the three of us are camping out on the sofas until we finish arranging the house-- lol! Thankfully we are done with the painting but time for the hard part of removing the excess paint from places and arranging the house :-/

I felt inspired to make these jewelry in between the painting. I guess you can say it kept me motivated whilst painting. I'd seen cardboard earrings on a girl at university and she'd told me that her sister makes them for her. Naturally, whilst painting you de-junk a house to reduce clutter, so I managed to find an empty box to use to make these jewelry. Instead of just making earrings, I decided to also make a necklace as well. The downside of these jewelry is that they are not waterproof (they cardboard of course!). So I won't be wearing them during a rainy day (but at times you can't tell when the weather could turn sour). I love them because they quite unique and funky.

P.S. They really easy to make. All you need is cardboard, glue and scissors (maybe even a pencil). So feel free to try making some.



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