
Hairspiration ~ Twisted Top Knot

Source:  Q-riouser-and-Q-riouser.  Source: Google Images  Source: Google Images Hello lovelies, this top knot...

 Source: Google Images

 Source: Google Images

Hello lovelies, this top knot is exactly what its name implies. A twist and then a knot. This is the hairspiration that I spotted last week Thursday and Friday. I drew inspiration from Suzaan Heynes sleek top knot at SA fashion week and Thandie Newton's side bun. This is definitely one of my favourite hairstyles because it adds a little chic to my look. It's easy to recreate if your hair is shoulder length or longer. But I added a little tip on how to create  this look for shorter hair.

Here's how I created it: 

1. Start by washing your hair. Leave your hair wet as your hair will beasier to work with wet and to achieve a sleek look. (That is if you have a thick volume/mass of hair). But if you have fine hair, you can skip this step and prep hair with a smooth down detangling cream or hairspray.

2. Start by pulling your hair into a sleek high ponytail. I chose a high side ponytail.

3. Twist it around itself.

4. Then pull thend through the bun. Secure with (bobby) pins.

5. You can leave 2 cm or more (depending on the length of your hair) of the loosend that is protruding through the bun as a high wisp of hair. This gives the hair thauthenticity that it's a knot.

6. Finish with hairspray to hold the hair in place and keep the look sleek. Voila!

[Note: My hair was a little short so I could not leave a high wisp of hair]

Tip for shorter hair:

1. Start by washing your hair. Leave your hair wet as your hair will beasier to work with wet and to achieve a sleek look. (That is if you have a thick volume/mass of hair). But if you have fine hair, you can skip this step and prep hair with a smooth down detangling cream or hairspray.

2. Pull your hair into a sleek high ponytail. 

3. Make a little bun/puff.

4. Then secure with a second elastic.

5. Keep look sleek by finishing off with hairspray.

6. Voila! You have a side bun.

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