
Todays Look ~ Silent Musings

I'm wearing....? Cardigan from Meltz ~ Sheer top and Jeans gifted ~ Dot earrings from Jay Jays ~ Pumps from Mr...

I'm wearing....? Cardigan from Meltz ~ Sheer top and Jeans gifted ~ Dot earrings from Jay Jays ~ Pumps from Mr Price.

Hello darlings. So today it looks like I'm staring at the camera, right? Whilst I might be looking directly at the camera, I'm completely lost in thoughts with each flashlight of the camera. Thoughts about life. Thoughts of trying to do the right thing. Thoughts of how life sometimes gets a tad complicated. Thoughts of reaching cross roads and trying to deal with it. Thoughts of trying to make amends with the people we hurt and being selfish if you don't. But one thing I know is that life is too short and we should live life the best way we  know how even though we'll make mistakes along the way (we only human right).

By the way how amazing is this ragged throw on cardigan (a 360 degrees change in topic). At first, I really was not taken with this cardigan until I was convinced that it would make a unique item to wear with various pieces of clothing in my wardrobe. I couldn't agree any less now. It can be perfectly paired with long sleeve tops and jazzes up an outfit when the weather is mildly cold. So, I'd like to admit now to the whole world that I am completely and whole heartily taken with this cardigan :-)

Hope you darlings have had a fabulous day. xo

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