
New Additions ~ Meltz/Mr Price/Gifted

Over the vacation, I'd acquired a few new items from family and friends but I just did not have the opportunity to show you my new love...

Over the vacation, I'd acquired a few new items from family and friends but I just did not have the opportunity to show you my new lovely goodies. I also purchased a few goodies myself during the vac and  there are also some recently purchases I couldn't resist showing you. Hope you enjoy the photos. xo

 Both from Meltz

 Peter pan top from Meltz and Sheer top from Mr Price

 Umbrella from P 'n' P, Cat eye glasses from Mr Price, Silver collar necklace from Lovisa and Neon collar necklace from Sass Divas.

More Accessories
 Starting from top left hand corner going clockwis1.Fashion World  2.Meltz  3.Meltz  4.Meltz  5.Mr Price  6.Legit  7.Mr Price  8.Meltz   9.Mr Price


Make up bags from China town
  Gifted from Fifs

Earrings and ring from China town
Earrings gifted from Fifs and ring gifted from Sola  

Frilly top and Dress gifted, Playsuit from Aussie
 Dress and frilly top gifted from Fifs, Play suit gifted from sisters

Palazzo Pants from Meltz
 Pants gifted from Fifs

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  1. yaaay u are back!!! The past couple of weeks i couldn't access your blog(i dont know y?) Anyway love love your blog and the items u purchased are gorgeous!

    1. Thank you jacqui jacques for stopping by. I'm not sure why you couldn't access my blog previously but this is a heart felt thank you for your continued support. xo
