

Whether you're eating at a fancy restaurant, in the cafeteria, or at home with friends and families, some basic table manners should ...

Whether you're eating at a fancy restaurant, in the cafeteria, or at home with friends and families, some basic table manners should never be forgotten and good table manners make for a more pleasant meal. 

Rules may be different from person to person and based on the situations, but there is one rule of good manners that is "always treat others the way you want to be treated by others".

Here are some easy-to-follow tips for good table manners.

  • Always sit straight and do not rest elbows on the table. Instead keep your hands on your lap while not eating.
  • It is good to swallow the food before speaking.
  • While chewing food, keep your mouth closed. Do not talk with food in the mouth.
  • Do not eat too fast in the company of others.
  • Do not gulp down the food. It is not a healthy habit.
  • Make sure that you keep pace with others and not linger over the first course while the others are already waiting for their dessert.
  • If food particle stuck between the teeth, don't pick at it while at the table.
  • Do not keep your personal belongings like wallet, keys, spectacles, purse, etc on the table.
  • Never blow on any hot soup or liquid. Wait till it is cool enough for you to consume.
  • Cut the food into small pieces and instead of stuffing your mouth with huge chunks.
  • Use salt and pepper (Cruet set) after tasting your food.
  • When you want to butter your toast, take some of it on to your plate, and then spread it on the toast.
  • Do not make noise while using cutlery.
  • Pass the food to your right side, unless someone on your left side specifically asks for a particular dish which is near to you.
  • Do not push your plate away and push your chair back once you finished eating.
  • If inadvertently you belch, cover your mouth with a napkin and say ‘excuse me' to no one in particular.
  • Children should be taught the correct usage of cutlery like how to hold the fork, knife or spoon like which hand to hold the sppon and fork, etc.
  • Used cutlery should be placed on the plate and not on the table.
  • Do not ever wave cutlery around to make a point.
  • If napkin is removed for use from the table, it should be placed on the lap.

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  1. Well written! Thanks for the pointers on table manners. I've definitely learnt something new- tasting food before adding salt and pepper. Keep it up!

    1. Hey Joana, thanks for the sweet comment and words of encouragement. Stop by again soon. x

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