Todays Wear ~ Lazy Day

 I'm wearing....? Top from Mr Price ~ Skirt and Shoes are gifted ~ Earrings from Fashion World  Today h...

 I'm wearing....? Top from Mr Price ~ Skirt and Shoes are gifted ~ Earrings from Fashion World

 Today has been a LAZY day. After my Ecos test yesterday I've been camping in my room doing nothing but watching one of my favourite cartoons that I loved when I was young - As told by Ginger. Even my laptop is acting darn skippy today. I only went down for my tutorial which is compulsory and took these pictures when I came back. I am having dinner at a friend's house tonight. It's been a while since I had a home cooked meal since coming back to Uni. So I'm really excited about that.

 Hope you day has been much productive than mine.

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