Todays Wear ~ Midnight Blues

I'm wearing....? Body suit from Mr Price ~ Maxi skirt from Mr Price ~ Sandals from Esprite (Aussie) ...

I'm wearing....? Body suit from Mr Price ~ Maxi skirt from Mr Price ~ Sandals from Esprite (Aussie) ~ Earrings gifted from Mr Price

Hello Lovelies, these photos are actually from yesterday. We had our welcome back dinner for our house. The University throws two extravagant dinners for each hall (a group of houses/residences forms a hall):  a welcome's dinner at the beginning of the year and a leaver's dinner at the end of the university year. These dinners are a fancy affair with scrumptious food and students get dressed up, wear heels and look good. 

The theme for last nights dinner was a touch of beach. I touched up my outfit with feather earrings and pinned a flower with my up-do to give it that sense of beach (well that's my idea of a beach theme anyways). I even wore sandals for the beach effect! I was less than impressed with the dinner though. The food was mediocre, there was no music to dance to and the entertainment just fell flat :-/ Better luck for the next dinner.

Right now, I am cooped up in my bed contemplating whether to do some school work or watch some series for the rest of the day. The weather is not helping matters. It's cloudy and windy right now. So think I might just cozy up in my bed with a cup of hot chocolate and watch series for the rest of the day (I'll work later. I promise.) 

Have a FAB Saturday.

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