Todays Wear ~ Style Icon: Audrey Hepburn

Image sourced from Google. I'm wearing....? Men's shirt as a dress from Meltz ~ Shoes from Esprite ...

Image sourced from Google.

I'm wearing....? Men's shirt as a dress from Meltz ~ Shoes from Esprite in Australia ~ Watch gifted from sister ~ Belt from Mr Price ~ Scarf from Mom's closet ~ Vintage sunglasses from Mr Price

In no ways do I claim to be Audrey Hepburn. I just love her style and flair. She remains a fashion style icon still and continues to influence modern day fashion.  Her clean lines, simple yet bold accessories, minimalist palette made her stand out and that is what I like about her. She is my style icon. I hope you like my rendition of her 50's style in modern times.

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  1. I like your blog so much! Maybe we could follow each other? :) xx, Tina

    1. That would be great dear. Feel free to check back daily, comment and follow and I will do the same. xo Dilim
