
Todays Look ~ Head over Heels

I'm wearing....? Coat, Top and  E arrings gifted ~ Tights from Mr Price ~ Boots from Rage. I am head over heels in love with the...

I'm wearing....? Coat, Top and Earrings gifted ~ Tights from Mr Price ~ Boots from Rage.

I am head over heels in love with these booties (first seen here) and literally head over heels towering in them (no jokes). Someone said that tall girls should not wear high heels because they'd look gigantic (Tsk). I am over 175 cm and I couldn't disagree more with that statement. Heels elongate your legs, give you sex appeal, and make you feel like you can conquer the world but I love heels because it gives me that confidence boost, adds a little something special/extra to all my outfits and if I wasn't already standing out it would make me REALLY stand out. Marilyn Monroe couldn't have been more right when she said: 

"Give a girl the right shoes and she can conquer the world." 

I say give a girl the right pair of heels and she can conquer the world. Tall girls should not wear high heels (if they want.This booties are ridiculously high and I wear them on occasions like these were minimal walking is involved (seriously). Thankfully, Uni is currently in Swot week (a study week were we have no classes but a free week of self studying before the exams). Therefore, I can afford to wear my precious boots. Lets be realistic, I couldn't wear these booties walking around campus, not only would they get ruined from tear and wear but it just wouldn't be practical. Trust me, here at Rhodes University you WALK. You walk to and fro lectures. You walk to the shops and you walk back home (and that's the story of my life as a student). Enjoy the pictures below. xo.

p.s. Don't you think this title post reminds you of the blog name. Lastly, I have a week until my exams start (Aaargh!). Wish me luck :-)

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