
Colour me orange

The weather today was beautiful today. No sunshine in sight. Just a slight breeze and plenty of clouds. I love such weather. So it was pe...

The weather today was beautiful today. No sunshine in sight. Just a slight breeze and plenty of clouds. I love such weather. So it was perfect to wear my orange top. I am pretty sure it was meant as a top but I think it's better as a dress.  It was a birthday present I received over the weekend braai in Pretoria from a friend. Furthermore, I love the intricate details on the front of the dress and the fact that it came with a belt. I paired it with my boyfriend boots that I bought to wear in winter but I felt it suited the dress nicely. The boots roughed up the look from being too girly. Overall, I love the combo.

My Outfit....

Dress and Belt- c/o gift from friend
Boots- Mr Price
Earrings- Mr Price

xoxo Dilim xoxo

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  1. that orange dress is too cute and ur hair looks sooo healthy!
